

The Ministry of Health is a federal agency with function to organize and develop plans and public policies for health in Brazil. In addition, the ministry should promote conditions for protection and recovery of Brazilian health, combating disease and improving health actions, in order to improve the quality of the Brazilian population.


Rede Brasileira de Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde (in free translation Brazilian Network for Health Technology Assessment), REBRATS, is a set of collaborating centers and Brazilian teaching and research institutions dedicated to the development and dissemination of scientific studies in the field of health technology assessment (HTA ), national and internationally. The REBRATS seeks to integrate research, policy and management work in developing ATS, following the phases of inclusion, monitoring and exclusion of technologies in the Brazilian health system.


The State Department of Health of Minas Gerais is the government body responsible for formulating, promoting and managing public health policies, according to the needs of the state’s population, ensuring the principles of the public health system in Brazil.


The MG Transplantes is formed by notification, reception and distribution centers of organs in multiple regions in the state of Minas Gerais. It is the complex responsible for managing the state politics of organs and tissues transplants, evaluating results and qualifying health professionals and health institutions that operate in the process.


The National Council of Justice (CNJ) is a public institution which is to improve the work of the Brazilian justice system, especially in relation to the control and administrative and procedural transparency. The State Executive Committee of Health of Minas Gerais is part of the Judicial National Health Forum and aims to coordinate and execute actions of a specific nature that are considered relevant in the context of Health Judicialization.


Besides its partners, the CCATES develops its actions having as an excellence model of activities and projects of internationally recognized institutions in healthcare.


The Pan American Health Organization is an international public health agency that aims to improve public policies and health services in countries of the Americas, through technology transfer and knowledge accumulated diffusion experiences in member countries. It is composed of technicians and scientists from fields such as epidemiology, human resources, communication, medicine and health promotion.


NPS, National Prescribing Service, is a nonprofit organization, funded by Australian Government Department of Health. This organization, also known as NPS MedicineWise offers practical tools and evidence-based information on medicines, health and medical examinationsfor consumers, health professionals, government and industry.