How much should a vaccine for dengue cost in Brazil? Economic evaluation of the therapeutic value of dengue vaccines in development in the world



Autores: Isabella Piassi Godói, Augusto Afonso Guerra Júnior


The overall efficacy of CYD-TDV vaccine from 57% to prevent infection by the dengue virus, obtained by meta-analysis performed in this study, although relevant, indicates still distant protection of levels of other vaccines entered in the National Immunization Program such as MMR, which shows efficacy against measles, mumps and rubella, of respectively 98%, 99.3% and 96.1% of vaccines.

Regarding the economic evaluation, the project is in the construction phase of the economic model that can support the decision making of managers by identifying, measuring and valuing costs of different SUS management levels with the Dengue to estimate the maximum amount payable per patient depending on the results of the meta-analysis of efficacy and safety. Therefore estimate the budgetary impact of the incorporation of this vaccine for dengue in Brazil.

Publications in press and developing this research project:

Scientific Articles:

  1. “Dengue Vaccine Candidates: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Efficacy and Safety” (in press).
  2. “Value-based pricing dengue vaccine for the Brazilian National Health Service (SUS)”

Full content in Portuguese

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